This website displays original nature photographs by Bill Atkinson. Fine art prints of these photographs may be purchased at this website as well as at several Art Galleries.

Since its opening in 1997, this website has been visited by many thousands of people. Through written and verbal feedback, we have received much encouragement and many helpful suggestions. The most recent updates to this website were made in December of 2013. The updating process is ongoing.

If you have any suggestions or bugs to report, please contact us.

How this website was programmed

No high level authoring system was used. The pages with fixed content were written in HTML and Javascript, and the pages with variable content were implemented with Python scripts that dynamically generate HTML pages. Most of the initial programming was done by our friend Andy Hertzfeld, but the graphic design and all of the ongoing programming are the work of Bill's wife, Sioux Atkinson.


Hosted by: Google App Engine
User Interface Design: Sioux and Bill Atkinson
Programming: Sioux Atkinson and Andy Hertzfeld
Graphic Design: Sioux Atkinson